
ECAM Update

As knowledge is understood as unlimited and fundamental to evolution, ECAM promotes, in addition to its training actions, this initiative that aims at transmitting and discussing ideas in topics of transversal interest allowing clients the possibility of generating relationships with current affairs specialists.

500 Maiores Empresas

This initiative, of which ECAM is a partner, alongside Diário de Notícias da Madeira and with Previsão and Madconta companies, seeks to promote an annual event to distinguish companies with headquarters in Madeira, covering the economic and financial evolution of the regional economic fabric, having a specific matrix of criteria and participation regulations.

ECAM Solidária

Taken as an integral and spontaneous aspect of ECAM’s presence in the market, social responsibility has been practiced over the years in various forms and expressions. The allocation of results to non-profit institutions, support for the most disadvantaged, the accompaniment of unprotected children, the promotion of campaigns to collect plastic toys and bottle caps, the reforestation of our mountains or the cultural awareness programs promoted with our employees among other activities, focused the company’s motivation, which made ECAM the first in 2010, at regional level, to receive the Social Responsibility Award, awarded annually by the organization for the 500 Biggest and Best Companies.


RunECAM is another company initiative aimed at strengthening team spirit through participation in sports activities. At ECAM it is understood that the professional performance is directly related to the working conditions and to the dynamics that generate the level of relationship between all the elements of the professional team that assure the company operation.


In a context widely disseminated by the EU, the pillars that support sustainable development founded in the economic, social and environmental aspects, ECAM saw fit to define a set of good environmental practices, which being followed results in the application of procedures which seek to fulfil the quota for environmental responsibility in the close environment, in such a way to reduce its “ecological footprint” in the surrounding environment


The well-being of ECAM’s workforce is taken as a priority, aimed at individual satisfaction in the workplace. Started in 2000, the NaturECAM initiative has allowed for direct contact with nature, following a logic of competition, leisure or enjoying the surroundings, in a practical spirit of strengthening the “team building” concept.